Sky Lopez or Krystal Steal

Which girl do you think is hotter?


  • kryskytubtys001.jpg
    55.9 KB · Views: 4,541
A question difficult to answer ... both of them belong to the "hottest babes around" at the moment.

Better question to ask is: where's the water hotter, left or right side of the tub ???

As hot as Krystal is, I will always take Sky over her any day. Now, if they don't mine being taken TOGETHER..... ;)


Sky Lopez but not my much, Krystal is sexy also, but her expressions are kinda weird sometimes, but se has some ass. Sky is just prfect though, well except her tits of course. The picture sets these did together are some of the sexiest pics I have ever seen, you can tell these two babes are really into one another. Great topic here ariafan, interested to see how others will repond.
RTR#1 said:
Use to be Sky. But now she has so many tattos, that you think she's in prison! LOLOL

They both have tons of tattoos.
Anyway here is a threesome gallery of sky, krystal and 1 very, very lucky guy
it ain't a tough one for me since Krystal doesn't do much on me... plus when it comes to sky, the rest looks like nothing to me!!


  • 3.jpg
    68.7 KB · Views: 3,561
give me the both.They are like sisters.Why fucking one hot babe if you can fuck two who are nice.I like skye as much as krystal


georges:) ;)
hi ariafan

nice link :hatsoff:but i prefer skye with her blonde hair she looks more slutty and wild.The gun is a s&w 745.

